Basics of Bird Care


Birds are great pets to have in your home. They need love, care, and attention to become happy and loving pets. Just like any other domesticated animal companion, birds also need the proper care that their human owners can provide. While dogs and cats have common needs, birds may require something different but they also need good nutrition, grooming, and lots of interactive playtime with their owners.

However, birds are more sensitive and can easily fall sick due to several factors. They can also die easily when they are sad and not given some attention. If you want to own a pet bird or wish to know more about proper bird care, read on and find insight into these loving and fascinating creatures.

Different Breeds, Different Needs

Birds of different kinds have different characteristics, and based on those characteristics, you can learn how to address their specific needs. There are certain bird species that require more interaction, attention, and maintenance. Before adopting a new pet bird, understand their specific characteristics first so you’ll know if you have the capacity to address their needs on a daily basis. A responsible pet owner must be able to invest enough time, money, and energy for bird care.


Many people have the wrong notion that birds don’t need bathing. Well in fact, they need more bathing time than regular pets like dogs and cats. They need at least three times a week of bathing. Either misting, regular baths, or showers would be good for your pet bird. This will be good for their feather, skin, and overall health.


Always choose bird food that is high in nutritional value that every bird needs. Choose pellets over seeds because pellets are formulated with high nutrition with the right balance of protein, vitamins, and minerals. You can ask your veterinarian on the recommended pellet food for your bird pet. Table food is also okay as long as it is given in moderation and not more than 20% of your bird’s diet. You can check the related video below to know more about the kinds of food you should give to your pet and food you should avoid.

Provide a Safe and Clean Environment

Regularly cleaning your bird’s cage along with the food and water dishes will ensure that it is in a safe and healthy environment away from bacteria and potential illnesses. Replace the water regularly and clean water dishes with soap and water to remove any bacteria. Also, clean the cages regularly of dirt.

Ventilation is important to birds as well. They are sensitive to fumes and other substances you might be using in your home like cleaning agents, scented candles, cigarette smoke, oils, and other many substances. While these substances may not be harmful to humans, it may be toxic to birds so if there’s any buildup of such fumes or if you will be using any new substance, make sure you keep your birds in a well-ventilated area or avoid using the substance in the presence of your bird pet.

Choose A Safe and Reliable Bird Cage

Not all cages are safe for birds to use. Some are made of toxic materials. Birds have the tendency to chew and bite their cages. If the cage is made of zinc and other toxic products, they might be poisoned and acquire illnesses. Perches are also important. Choose the ones that will not be bad for your bird’s skin. All-natural twigs can be used.

Make sure you carefully choose the right bird supplies for your pet. You can check out bird supplies in Australia here or get advice from your local veterinarian.


Bird Care – Perch Selection