Ending That Incessant and Annoying Barking

Barking is something that comes natural with dogs. It’s as natural as singing for humans. Aside from their body language, barking is one of best friend’s most vital forms of communication. There are many reasons why they bark, from warning people and other animals to protecting their territory. They also do it when they are excited.


These types of barking are completely normal and are not always a nuisance. When your pet pooch a lot more than what’s considered normal, he could be telling you that he’s getting bored or is looking for something stimulating or exciting. However, some dogs can bark excessively not because of their own issues but (get ready for this) because of their owner. You read it right: the reason for the behavior may actually be caused by his owner. The human owner may not be doing its job well as the pack leader, so the dog reacts by barking to the point of being very annoying.


Providing Exercise


The first step in curbing excessive barking is by making him do certain exercises. Such exercises can provide physical and psychological stimulation that your dog may be lacking. It’s an effective way of directing his attention to something when he can’t seem to find anything to do. Yes, just like us, they get bored, too. You can find helpful exercises from various resources online.


Give Him the Affection He Needs


When your canine friend is in a calm, submissive state, you can also give him affection. By doing this, you’re reinforcing the behavior you want from him instead of rewarding the behavior you don’t. Simply said, you don’t give him affection while he’s exhibiting that unwanted misbehavior of non-stop barking. The minute he stops doing it, that’s when you show your affection. This is your way of letting him know that he’s going to get some love from you if he barks a lot again.


Provide Proper Discipline


Certainly, putting a stop to unwanted behavior can be done by disciplining him. Again, there are various resources online where you can give discipline to your pooch to control his barking. Never reward unwanted behavior and make sure there are consequences to unwanted behavior, which includes barking that’s out of control.


Finally, as an effective way on how to stop dog barking, you can use an anti-barking dog collar. It’s a device worn around his neck and delivers electrical shocks whenever he starts to bark excessively.


Combine all these tips and you’ll surely put a stop to this truly annoying behavior from your pet pooch.


How to Keep Your Dog Flea-Free

As the old adage goes, prevention is always so much better than cure.

The same thing principle actually applies when we talk about fleas. These parasites can cause serious health problems to your beloved dog and so it’s always better to take preventive measures than to worry about curing it when it’s already worse.

Here’s a list of things you can do to put off fleas from attacking your pet:  

1. Bathe your pet frequently

Washing your dog often can be a good way to avoid the flea problem. Use water and soap as you give your dog a bath. The good thing about dogs is that you can always take him to the yard and simply use a hose.

2. Clean your house regularly

Thorough house cleaning can also be helpful. Use a vacuum so you can clean even those corners that are normally out of your reach. Wash areas that your dog frequents such as the living room, the dog house, the garage, the yard, or even the vehicle. This is truly effective in minimizing the flea problem.       

3. Use sprays and foggers

In some instances, sprays and foggers are necessary in order to totally eliminate potential flea infestation. You can purchase these products from specialized pet supply retailers. You can find one in your area or you may also check out online resources. Be warned, however, to seek counsel from your veterinarian before using these products because they can be potentially harmful to other pets – or your children.   

In case your dog has already acquired fleas, this is what you can do:

1. Utilize flea treatment supplies

Anti-flea soaps and shampoos are very effective and affordable. You may also use spot-on medications or oral medications. If you want, you may purchase Frontline Plus for dogs – a product that many dog owners recommend.     

Another idea is to make your dog wear a flea collar to put an end to the problem. It is even okay to use sprays and flea powders as long as you read the instructions and exercise caution. The details on the labels are there for a reason so do not ignore them in any way.

2. Give your dog a flea dip

Finally, you may use concentrated chemicals and give your dog a nice flea dip. Unlike regular baths, dips do not require rinsing and so this can be very potent in eliminating flea for good. Again, follow instructions carefully in order to avoid any serious health risks.