Better Management of Dogs via Fences

Although domesticated dogs are used to living inside a man’s home, they still require a natural environment where they can just be, well, dogs. If you get them chained at home or kept on a leash most of their life, they may not grow up to be healthy animals. Just like their wild counterparts, domesticated dogs also need an open space where they can roam around for them to remain healthy.


One of the biggest concerns when letting our canine friends roam around is if they get lost or they get hurt. This then presents a dilemma: if you keep them inside your house, they won’t get to walk around freely; on the other hand, if you let them out, there are certain risks that go with it.


Dog Fence as a Solution


The solution to that dilemma? Dog fence. A fence will provide your pet pooch with a secure space where he can play all he want safely and freely. With this solution, your dog can still be the dog he ought to be, that is, walking around and playing in an open space minus the worry of getting hurt or lost. In other words, it’s a win-win solution both for you and your pet.


Image credit: Keith MacLeod (

Types of Dog Fence


There are two types of dog fence out there: visible and invisible. They also vary in terms of the materials used.


The visible type is the traditional dog fence we all know. The fence itself can be made of various materials. Depending on your preference, you can build a wooden or picket fence, or something with chain links. You can also opt for wire mesh fabric, although this type doesn’t last long.


Can a fence be invisible? Certainly. An invisible fence makes use of an electric wire that’s installed underground and a receiver collar around the dog’s neck. The boundary or limits of the animal is the perimeter along which the wire is installed. If your pet gets too close to the perimeter, the receiver around his collar will get a signal, which then causes it to beep. After this, and this idea may not sit well with you, your pooch then gets a mild electric shock. Electric dog collars can also be expensive.


Your choice of which dog fence to use will ultimately depend on you. If the idea of your dog getting electric shocks, even if they’re mild, doesn’t sound like a humane thing for you, then you can just go for physical barriers to fence your pet in (find out more about dog fence and how to teach your canine buddy to avoid overstepping electrical boundaries).


How Dog Owners Can Maintain Home Cleanliness

Any individual or family planning to have a dog for the first time has probably wondered: “Is it possible to have a pet dog and still have a clean house?” This is a dilemma that a lot of long-time pet owners have already learned to deal with. Many of them will attest that welcoming a dog in the home doesn’t mean you will have to sacrifice cleanliness in your place.

Here’s how you can keep your place tidy without losing your sanity:

Image1. Brush your dog on a daily basis.

Believe it or not, doing this consistently can save you from a lot of cleaning tasks. Brush your dog at least five minutes per day and you will notice that there will be lesser fur on your floor.

Actually, the dog itself benefits from daily brushing. Pay close attention and you will see that flaky skin is minimized. Also, the dog’s fur will smell better. Go ask your local pet stores for bristle brushes, wire-pin brushes, slicker brushes, and de-shredders.

Image 2. Use various cleaning products.

And by cleaning products, I do not automatically mean soap you buy from the market. Besides, you can count on common household items to do the trick. Baking soda, for example, can be highly effective in getting rid of bad odor. Sprinkle an appropriate amount on the carpet and let it stay there for awhile. Use the vacuum afterwards and observe the big difference. Another option is to mix ¼ cup of baking soda with water and use it as a spray. In any case, baking soda can really be effective in minimizing unwanted odor in your home.

Image3. Buy dog toys.

Seriously! Buying toys for your dog can be helpful in maintaining order in your home.

Yes, toys are mainly designed for playtime purposes and that’s exactly the whole point. Your dog will have no problems leaving your furniture, appliances, or shoes alone if he is busy with his toys.    

Image4. Utilize other dog accessories and equipment.

Installing a dog fence can be a good way to help your dog stay within the allowed boundaries. On the other hand, having his own dog bed means he’ll have a place to rest each time he feels sleepy. As with suggestion number 1, consider purchasing grooming products and learning basic grooming skills is best. It all requires time and effort on your part but it will make your dog healthier and your house significantly cleaner.